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Screenings We Offer


An EKG records the electrical activity of your heart, showing the spikes and dips at each beat of your heart. Your cardiologist can then use these lines to help determine if your heart is receiving enough oxygen or beating at an abnormal rhythm.

Blood Pressure

Cuffs are used on the arms to determine blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause damage to your heart, arteries, brain and kidneys. It is important to prevent and manage high blood pressure.


Excess cholesterol builds up in the arteries and restricts the path of blood flow. Bloodwork can determine your risk of high cholesterol, and your CIS cardiologist can work with you to manage your cholesterol and lower your heart disease risk.


Ultrasound technology can give your physician good insight into the health of your veins and arteries by using ultrasound waves to produce images of blood flow and pressure.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging is a simple and effective test that helps your cardiologist detect the presence of peripheral vascular disease in a matter of minutes.

Vein Screening

Visible varicose or spider veins may form as a result of age, weight, lifestyle choices, or other health conditions. A vein screening involves visual and physical touch to check the health of your veins and assess your risk for vein disease.

Upcoming Screenings

CIS Houma: Free Heart Month Screening

February is American Heart Month and there's no better time to consider getting a heart check up. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the […]

CIS Meridian: Free Heart Month Screening

February is American Heart Month and there's no better time to consider getting a heart check up. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the […]

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